Post 2: Genius Hour

If life is by design, be the designer.

But before you start building, you need to have a plan, a blueprint.

Me sitting on a playground in a park I designed
Before I started my BBT in Green Industries, I worked in landscape architecture. The first and most important step for each project, regardless of size, is an existing conditions analysis. 

The same goes for wanting to make any sort of positive change in your life. Yes, you may know exactly what destination you want to reach, but you need to know your starting point to head in the right direction.

The first step is conducting a strong existing conditions analysis of ourselves.

Back in 2021, I participated in two training courses with the Centre of Mind-Body Medicine and learned from the famous Dr. James Gordon, a leading physician in the mind-body connection sciences. Through these trainings, I learned and facilitated activities with doctors, teachers, and other professionals. Of all the activities, the self-analysis exercise has stuck with me the most and impacted how I approach making any change in my life.

So, I reacquainted myself with the activity curriculum and expanded on this exercise, adding my own twist as the first focus period of my genius hour project. 

I took the basic activity of visualizing our current self, and visualizing our ideal future self and filled in the gaps with activities that bridge the two to help you move from your current self to the ideal.

But the real work is taking an idea, a theory, or a vision and bringing it down to earth to a physical, tangible level with deliverables that can be tracked. 

My next genius hour will focus on researching and exploring how our daily habits, routines, and systems create our current reality. 

It is important to gain this understanding as the final genius hour goal is to create a seamless system that guides you from an ideal or vision to making it your reality. That is rooted in the understanding of the importance of habits and systems and how the small things we do everyday ripple into the current circumstances of our lives. 


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